YOUR PHYSIO – York Teaching Hospital Trust
Do you have back pain? Do you suffer from osteoarthritis? Is your elbow or knee hurting?
A new physiotherapy service, specialising in the management of musculoskeletal (MSK) pain, long term conditions and self-help, is here to offer help, advice and support.
The service includes one to one sessions, group sessions and access to a new NHS physiotherapy website. The site contains lots of useful help and advice on the self management of MSK issues, how to access services – including self referral and information about the team.
On YOUR PHYSIO you will find:
- Access to a Conditions Directory which may help you understand your condition and help you take some simple steps to improve the problem
- Online advice and resources, including videos and useful exercises to improve your MSK health
- Advice on how to manage common injuries and pain problems
- Advice for people living with a long term pain problem including advice about medications, exercises and lot of useful hints and tips to remaining active while living with persisting pain
- Advice on how to make positive lifestyles choices – including information about the effect daily lives have on musculoskeletal health, how to stop smoking and how to maintain a healthy weight How to join local educational groups and exercise sessions
Click here to fill out the self referral form and view the YOUR PHYSIO website with all the above and more.